Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Inquery for crosswalk at Avenida Adobe and King

At the September 2008 Annual Meeting, some homeowners expressed their concern for the safety of pedestrians crossing Avenida Adobe at King and inquired about the possibility of having a crosswalk installed. Boyd Management contacted the City of Yorba Linda regarding this inquiry and received the following written response.

Thank you for bringing this concern to our attention. It is the City Traffic Commission's policy No. 6 that the installation of a crosswalk would not be considered unless it is located at an intersection controlled by either a traffic signal, stop sign, or crossing guard. Studies have found that pedestrians were safer without marked crosswalks than with them at uncontrolled intersections. It is believed that the installation of crosswalks on public streets carries the potential of creating a false sense of security for pedestrians, encouraging them to walk in front of cars without looking.

Based upon the current traffic volumes at the intersection of Avenida Adobe and King, the intersection will not meet the minimum warrants as prescribed by the State guidelines for having a traffic signal, stop sign or crossing guard. Please note, stop signs are used for defining the vehicular right-of-way and should not be used as speed control devices.

If the residents believe there is a speeding problem on Avenida Adobe at King, we will inform Brea P.D. to enhance their enforcement in this area.

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