Monday, October 01, 2007

2007 HOA Board Election

After much frustration and consideration, I decided to run for the HOA Board of Directors and submitted the following candidate statement.

I have lived in the Community Association of Green Hills since 2001. I am a fiscal conservative who believes strongly in dealing fairly and consistently with all homeowners. I have been attending the board meetings regularly since the tot lot equipment was removed and not replaced within a reasonable time frame. I watched as certain board members opted to fight a homeowner with the threat of litigation, squandering over three times the 2006 budgeted Legal & Audit funds. Homeowners deserve better from their elected board. I support responsible improvements that result in higher property values. I’d value the opportunity to serve you on the board.

At the September 2007 Annual Board Meeting, I was elected to a 2-year term on the HOA Board of Directors, along with Maureen (incumbent) and Brian (former Board Member).

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